Building Resilience


Building Resilience in Students Impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences: A Whole-Staff Approach (2018), by Victoria Romero, Ricky Robertson, & Amber Warner, is a workbook for educators who are committed to the success of all students, especially those impacted by trauma and ACEs. The book explores the impact of ACEs and trauma on learning and behavior, including self-care for educators, classroom-based strategies, and a multi-tiered trauma-informed framework for teaching and behavior.  

“I cannot think of a book as needed as this one. It provides educators with a deeper understanding of the impact of childhood trauma on the educational experiences of young people, and it also gives us tools to support our students who have the most need while practicing necessary self-care to continue to serve them.”
– Lydia Adegbola, Professor & School Administrator

The book is available from Amazon, Corwin, and other retailers.